Hello there!

Welcome to my little website, at the moment I am basically just using it as a glorified LinkTree, but I will be adding more to it as time goes on!

About Me

My name is MediocreOmen (he/him), and I am a 21 year old programmer and ametuer artist from Canada. This little mushroom guy you're seeing everywhere is called Medi, and acts as my mascot and also kind of an internet persona (a shroom-sona I guess?).

As stated prior, I am more of a programmer than an artist, even if most people online know me more cause of my art. Started programming when I was 13 in GamemakerStudio 1.4 to make I Wanna be the Guy fangames even though I never ended up releasing any (not active in that community anymore tho). Nowadays, its mostly C, Python and Rust that I work in, as well as WebGL for shader programming when I dabble in that. Funny enough I hadn't really touched web-development until about a month ago (though thats probably obvious looking at this site lmao). I am currently in my 4th year of studying Computer Science, and will be graduating in around April of 2025. I also do game development, or moreso did game development, as I have not made a game in like 3 years now. When I finally do, you will be able to find a link to it here! I use Godot 4 as my engine of choice nowadays.

I picked up drawing more seriously during COVID-19 so I wouldn't go as insane and it helped a lot. I decided to focus more on art so my games would look better, and so for the next 3 years that where I put more focus. Since school ended up making me code less as a hobby (as I saved my mental energy for assignments), I ended up drawing more than I thought I would and now I'm pretty decent at it! You can find my art on my Twitter (linked below), but I do want to add a little gallery on here at some point!

Places you can find me (click to go there):

Fonts used: Raleway & RedHatMono. Twitter icon by Icons8